Prince Of The City Script

Prince Of The City poster thumbnail
Director:Sidney Lumet
Written by:Robert Daley (Novel), Jay Presson Allen (Screenplay), Sidney Lumet (Screenplay)

Script Synopsis:New York City detective Daniel Ciello agrees to help the United States Department of Justice help eliminate corruption in the police department, as long as he will not have to turn in any close friends. In doing so, Ciello uncovers a conspiracy within the force to smuggle drugs to street informants

The Year Of The Dragon Script

The Year Of The Dragon poster thumbnail
Director:Michael Cimino
Written by:Robert Daley (Novel), Oliver Stone (Screenplay), Michael Cimino (Screenplay)

Script Synopsis:In New York, racist Capt. Stanley White becomes obsessed with destroying a Chinese-American drug ring run by Joey Tai, an up-and-coming young gangster as ambitious as he is ruthless. While pursuing an unauthorized investigation, White grows increasingly willing to violate police protocol, resorting to progressively violent measures -- even as his concerned wife, Connie, and his superiors beg him to consider the consequences of his actions.

Night Falls On Manhattan Script

Night Falls On Manhattan poster thumbnail
Director:Sidney Lumet
Written by:Sidney Lumet (Screenplay), Robert Daley (Novel)

Script Synopsis:A newly elected District attorney finds himself in the middle of a police corruption investigation that may involve his father and his partner.