The King’s Speech Script

The King’s Speech caught me by surprise. I went to see it expecting it to be about the abdication of King Edward VIII. Well, silly me… the story was much more interesting and provides a good vehicle for both Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush.  However, I got the biggest kick out of the casting of Derek Jacobi as the Archbishop of Canterbury. The inside joke is his famous stuttering role in the BBC series I, Claudius.

The King’s Speech  Script (PDF) (2010)

Wall Street Scripts

Hey, another sequel – 23 years after the original…. Oliver stone revisits Wall Street. I haven’t seen it yet, but coming back to the topic is apropos for the times. Michael Douglas gets to play and older Gordon Gecko.  Stone co-wrote the original script but does not have scriptwriting credit for the sequel.

Wall Street Script (original 1987)

Wall Street : Money Never Sleeps Script (sequel 2010)

Stephen King Movie Scripts

These are movies based on Stephen King’s works. I’ve attempted to find all those available for free online. In the case I only found a script for purchase it is marked with ($):

Alice in Wonderland Script

As a big fans of both Lewis Carroll and Tim Burton, The new Alice in Wonderland was a must see. As usual the visuals were stunning (we saw the film in 2D). Story and character development were so-so. The Red Queen was delicious but we didn’t “get” the white queen – character and story surrounding her were weak.

Alice in Wonderland Script

One of these weeks we will post a full list of Tim Burton Scripts around the web.


Crazy Heart Script – Missed Oportunity

We like the choice of Jeff Bridges as Best Actor, however the film story was weak. Our biggest beef is that the story line of what did or didn’t happen between Bad and Tommy was never developed. We wonder if this ended up on the editing room floor. Instead of that conflict we got the predictable romantic story of  addiction, betrayal and redemption. Get the script from FOX Searchlight:    Crazy Heart Script

Links to 2010 Oscar Scripts


The Winner:

“Precious” Screenplay by Geoffrey Fletcher


“District 9”  Screenplay by Neill Blomkamp and Terri Tatchell

“An Education” Screenplay by Nick Hornby

“In the Loop” Screenplay by Jesse Armstrong, Simon Blackwell, Armando Iannucci and Tony Roche

“Up in the Air” Screenplay by Jason Reitman and Sheldon Turner

The Winner:

“The Hurt Locker” Screenplay by Mark Boal


“Inglourious Basterds” Screenplay by Quentin Tarantino  (another  screenplay link)

“The Messenger” Screenplay by Alessandro Camon and Oren Moverman

“A Serious Man” Screenplay by Joel Coen and Ethan Coen

“Up” Screenplay by Bob Peterson, Pete Docter, Story by Pete Docter, Bob Peterson, Tom McCarthy